Patriarch Jacob:

St. Jacob the Persian:

St. James (the son of Alphæus):

St. James (the brother of the Lord):

St. James (the son of Zebedee):

St. James the Confessor:

Prophet Jeremiah:

St. Jerome:


St. Joachim:

St. Joasaph:


Prophet Joel:

St. John the Apostle:

St. John the Baptist:

St. John the Almsgiver:

St. John Chrysostom:

St. John Climacus:

St. John Damascene:

St. John of Rila:

Pope John VII:

Pope John VIII:

Antipope John XXIII (Baldesare Cossa):

John VII, Palæologos:

Prophet Jonah:

Patriarch Joseph:

St. Joseph the Carpenter (St. Joseph the Betrothed):

St. Joseph of Arimathea:

St. Joseph: (Persian martyr)

Judas Iscariot:

St. Jude:


St. Julia of Carthage:

St. Julian:

St. Julitta:

St. Justina:

St. Justin Martyr:
