
St. Calliope:

St. Catherine of Alexandria:

St. Catherine of Siena:

St. Cecilia:

St. Cedd:

St. Ceolfrith:

St. Chariton the Confessor:


King Charles VI of France:

St. Christina:

St. Christopher:

St. Clare of Assisi:

St. Clement of Rome:

Pope Clement IV:

St. Clotilde:

King Clovis:


St. Colmán:

St. Columba of Iona:

Constantine I:

St. Corbinian:

St. Cosmas:

Baldesare Cossa (antipope John XXIII):

The Crusades:

The Crucifixion:

St. Cuthbert:

St. Cyprian of Carthage:

St. Cyril (missionary to the Slavs):

St. Cyril of Alexandria: